Saturday, August 8, 2009

Time Travel

As I was on my way to oth Staples and Wal-Mart to pick up some needed school supplies I started up a little chat/discussion with my mother on time and school. It went a little something like this...I looked out the window after seeing some really neato-cool looking new style lunch boxes and I remarked on how I would like time to go back about two or three years. My mother then asked me why. My first and obvious reason was so I could buy that cool new lunch box, but my other reason was to re-do the last two years of college. You see, I first went through a tiny depression, recovered, only to do it again this past year. I unfortunately had to leave a whole month early because it got so bad...(reason will be posted shortly). So for any new incoming Freshies, or for you returnees such as myself...don't feel bad, it happens to tons of us.


  1. you dont need to re-do the last two need to move on and see that the sun still shines even when all you see is darkness...i know for a fact that your friends will always be there to help you see the light at the end of the tunnel just like you will always be there for them :) E3
