Monday, August 24, 2009

Pot Luck

Seeing as this is my own personal blog and my own personal opinon, I am obvioulsy I am subjecting myself to the publics own opinion on me and mine. I go to college and I see tons of stuff going on all day everyday. Things that I either partake in or that I choose to not take part in. One of those things that I do not take part in is Pot smoking. Within my group of companions (I won't call all of them friends) more than half smoke pot.

The boys used to go to the store in town just so they could clam bake the car. They would recruit freshman, they would hide it in their rooms (Moms..when you buy the Ziploc sandwich's not to store sandwiches) My ex-boyfriend had a roommate who would cleverly purchase the skunk weed, as many of my fellow students would do, to make it less obvious well the smell would reach the noses of our superiors. My ex would laugh at me when I would comment about the skunks on campus, and for a while let me believe that's what I was smelling. I soon learned different. How nice of treat me like a damned child. I'm bitter, but to continue..

He would also smoke it despite my heartfelt pleas, and the fact that it made him a complete ass. He would steal from the local Walmart, both expensive and non-expensive items. I of course, never found out that he was smoking all the time because he went to great efforts to hide it from me, until after we broke up. Not surprising.

I even had adults telling me I should smoke to relieve stress and to relax. His extended family no less. Now I've got my cousin smoking it, I've got my little sisters friends contemplating doing it, with the approval of parts of their own family. Crazy. And I hate seeing it.

So when you go off to school...I suggest not smoking it. Cuz lets see...My ex failed his last semester, the families of some of the people I know live not so top notch lifes and can't, or won't get good jobs. Their houses are cheap and messy, they are irresponsible, and here I am, a non-"smoker" and I have money, my own good job, a good reputation, I don't steal, and I'm super smart.

You choose. I'd hate to see you get caught and kicked out of school. But then again, if you smoke and get kind of deserve it.

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