Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Avoiding Drama

I have had almost two years of non-stop drama. And it'd ironic because I hate it and I hate people who use the word. But thats what it is, I myself am going to call it immaturity.

I've had rumors spread about my at the time boyfriend, which I never found out the truth about, i guess there was no way to really. I've had people try to convince that same boy (key word) that i was going to be on that dorm floor and I would be dramatic about the break up, so to move in with him and avoid me. When in reality I have now fully, well 99% recovered from the whole thing and plan to be quite my own person.

The same person who tried to convince my boyfriend of that ( he's now my ex ) that same person, has so little talent in life, he goes around bragging about people he knows! Crazy right? I thought so. So I've decided to ignore this person fully and to the greatest extent possible. If he tries to talk or make himself a part of my surrounding I shall quite firmly put him in his place. However bitchy I may need to be.

I just recently told a friend trying to avoid "immaturity" that the best way to do so is to avoid certain people altogether. So my piece of advice for today is learn to be a VERY good judge of character , practice those skills, and avoid the people who do not live up to your standards in the way of morals...You'll be better off for it.

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