Friday, August 14, 2009

Expect Change

When learning how to survive in college always expect change.

Within the last two days I have found out that one of my best friends is commuting to campus, and despite the fac that I shall see him everyday, I'm still rather upset over the whole thing. And then today I found out that one of my mentors/role models/authority figures, is not returning to the position she at one time, held. Yet another set back in what I thought was going to be a fresh start. In all seriousness and in brutal reality it is turning out to be a much fresher start than I had anticipated.

See, after two years and I still have not mastered the art of expecting change on a whim. In the blink of an eye all your plans can reverse themselves like a horrible game of UNO. And here I am the UNO person whos got a bad hand. Now any of us who have played UNO know that in the blink of an eye the game can take a turn and we can be back on top of our game if we play our cards right. And that, my friends, is what I intend to do.

Now the situation pesented to me in the recent days is but a lesson learned and repeated. My freshman year I changed from home-body to campus bound college kid. And OH BOY, was it a change. New friends, new classes, new home, new and not so welcomed menus. I went from happy go lucky to down and outer. Now don't read this and think that will be you too, though I do caution you to behave carefully because depression is a very common occurance among college students. Here's hoping you smile and luagh your way through.

There is no fun prt about this type of change. REALTIONSHIPS. I went from a two week fling to a two month status-less "seeing a guy" to Christmas vacation where I was single and miserable. After returning I moved dorms, got new friends, and fell in love with a guy that is the complete opposite of what I normally go for. That lasted three wonderful, fight free months, until he had to graduate and leave for home in LongIsland. After finding out that he had told me a very big lie, I quickly recovered by jumping into the bed of a friend, who was hated by my ex and to my surprise, was already deeply in love with me. Yay right?

I fell madly in love with him after claiming that it;d never work and he was better off without me. He worked his ass off for months and we dated for almost a year. At the end of that relationship he cheated, flirted and lied his way into a break-up that shattered me and sent me right back into that depression I had so cleverly escaped. Now, here I am, single, self-employed, and getting ready to start my third year of college, which looks to be packed with change already, and I'm not even on campus yet.

Wish me luck, Because I wish you luck!

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