Tuesday, September 1, 2009

White Board Retaliation

So in most dorms, atleast around here, we have white boards on the outside on our dorm room doors. Now in the past two years Ive had only one semester where people that didn't like me wrote on my board. Now all they did was erase my name and not my roommates, or write that I was a whore..(I'm not) Now this year I wanted to start super fresh, which I am...I figured I wouldn't have to deal with it. Until I got to my room yesterday afternoon. I came back to my room only to see that on my board someone had written, "Amanda is a whore-able person". Now I went to a few friends and ranted and vented about how I felt and how i seriously couldnt get over the fact that people had already started this on the first day of the semester.

Come to find out it was my cousin, playing a joke. Now in my group of friends there are a few such friends that would pull a joke like that. No biggie. But I don't like it when it says something like that and then there is no name under it, so that "credit" can not be given. So I went through one night of wondering who wrote it, whether they meant it or did it as a joke.

Sooo all in all, my point is. If you write mean things, but mean them as a joke, SIGN YOUR NAME. lol. And if you mean it seriously...grow up and stop writing mean things on dorm doors.

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